Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Barn

This sketch was actually drawn during my first visit to Jonesville, but essentially nothing has changed a year later. The Barn is where tools and supplies used by the workers at Jonesville-area sites are stored. But, not much longer-- I was informed that the building is to be torn down and an improved structure put up.


  1. Hi Jeffrey - I'm ASP's Director of Volunteer Recruitment, and I'm loving your sketches! Thanks for serving with us. I'd love to hear more about your experience. Do you mind if I post these to our Facebook page?


    Thanks & take care,
    Rachel Gossett

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello Rachel---
    You are welcome to repost the pictures to the Facebook page...if you find my commentary impolitic,you may delete it and supply your own...just include the artist credit and if you can provide a link back to http://qbertlee.blogspot.com
    that would be great!
